A.M. Links: Obama to Announce Executive Action on Immigration, 3 Students Shot at Florida State University, Director Mike Nichols Dead at 83

  • President Barack Obama will
    announce his plan
    to take unilateral executive action on
    immigration in a primetime speech tonight.
  • Tony Blinken, deputy national security adviser to President
    Obama, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the White
    House is
    “open” to limits
    on the duration of its military efforts and
    the use of ground troops against ISIS.
  • “After 13 years, 2 wars and trillions in military spending,
    terrorist attacks are
    rising sharply
  • “The global response to the Ebola virus in Liberia is
    being hampered
    by poor coordination and serious disagreements
    between Liberian officials and the donors and health agencies
    fighting the epidemic, according to minutes of top-level meetings
    and interviews with participants.”
  • Mike Nichols, the Oscar-winning director of The
    , has
    died at age 83

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