Jim Webb Prepares for 2016 Presidential Run

Running as neither Hillary Clinton, nor Barack ObamaWith a call to a return to the
mostly imaginary bipartisanship of the days of yore, former
Democratic Virginia Sen. Jim Webb announced last night he has put
together an exploratory committee for a 2016 run for president.

He launched a site with a
video and a four-page speech that seems to mostly say the same
things as the video.  From his comments:

Over the past few months thousands of concerned Americans from
across the political spectrum have urged me to run for President. A
constant theme runs through these requests. Americans want
positive, visionary leadership that they can trust, at a time when
our country is facing historic challenges. They’re worried about
the state of our economy, the fairness of our complicated
multicultural society, the manner in which we are addressing
foreign policy and national security challenges, and the divisive,
paralyzed nature of our government itself. They’re worried about
the future. They want solutions, not rhetoric.

I share every one of these concerns.

He then follows up with four pages of mostly rhetoric and
talking points. Anyway, though Webb is seen as a
(even by Webb), his candidacy matters in terms of what
the Democratic Party’s post-Obama
is going to look like. His comments do not advocate
for a continuation of Obama’s policies, even though he makes
comments about income inequality that could have come straight from
the president’s mouth (or any other Democratic politician). He
doesn’t intend to try to ride in on Obama’s coattails.

Webb isn’t Elizabeth Warren, but his positions fall more on the
Democratic progressive populism side of the party rather than
Hillary Clinton’s Democratic establishment support for
interventionism from the left. He takes anti-war positions, but he
is also a Vietnam War veteran (maybe “but” should be “because”
there). As Elizabeth Nolan Brown noted in
, it’s been Obama’s abuse of authority in the Middle
East that has been pushing him to consider his run.

Over at The Week, Michael Tracey thinks Webb’s
progressive economic populism combined with his military background
and anti-war positions would make him the
perfect alternative to Clinton
in the primaries:

Foreign policy is Webb’s main strength. Remember that during the
storied 2008 Democratic presidential primary, the defining issue
seized on with great effect by Barack Obama was then-Sen. Clinton’s
vote to authorize military force against Saddam Hussein. And
wouldn’t you know it, here we are again, embarking on another
military offensive of indeterminate length — one that very much includes “boots on the

By the time the 2016 Iowa caucus rolls around, the U.S. may well
still be mired in Iraq and Syria (and who knows where else?).
Clinton, as Obama’s secretary of State, is widely reputed to have
been one of the administration’s foremost interventionist
agitators, producing disillusionment among anti-war grassroots
Democrats who will probably take an active role in the primaries.
This contingent is unlikely to accept the coronation of Hillary the Hawk without a fight.

He’s also a strong voice for criminal justice reform, and as a
senator proposed a commission to examine issues related to mass
incarceration. As a candidate he could be fighting for the same
independent voters that Sen. Rand Paul might go for should he get
the Republican nod. But that assumes Webb is able to fight past the
massive establishment machine that will be supporting Clinton.

Watch Webb’s comments about possibly running below:

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1qzW4Xx

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