Yes, Police Used Tear Gas on Protesters in Ferguson

This was the scene in Ferguson, Missouri as President Obama
spoke tonight about the grand jury results in the police shooting
of Michael Brown: the president urging non-violence on one side,
police conflict with protesters 

Quite the contrast. The images went out on live TV, and reports
from the scene indicated that police had deployed tear gas, just
like they had during protests over the summer. 

But was it actually gas? At 9:15, shortly after protests got
going, the St. Louis Police Department tweeted that they had used
smoke, and not not gas. 

But it sure didn’t look that way on CNN, where reporters on the
scene appeared to have been tear-gassed on live TV:

And, as it turns out, the police were deploying gas, as
the department eventually
on Twitter. 

At this point, a few hours later in the evening, it’s hard to
tell what is smoke fired by cops, what is tear gas, and what is
smoke from the multiple buildings that are on fire in downtown

from Hit & Run

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