“Your Work Has Changed My Life”: Donor Comments on Why They’re Supporting Reason!

We’ve got just a little over 24 hours left
in Reason’s 2014 Webathon. We’re looking $200,000 in
tax-deductible donations to help fund our journalism and commentary
in the coming year
. So far, almost 850 people have given
about $150,000, for which we can only say: Thank

If you’re
thinking about giving, please check out giving levels and
accompanying swag now.

Here’s what a small sampling of our generous benefactors have
told us so far:

Thank you for all of your hard work and insight. What a
great team you have.

This is a donation to help to keep Peter Suderman writing on

Please keep my donation as private as possible. Thank you!

Thank you for standing up for free speech. #GamerGate

This is the first year I’ve given at a level to get a
reward, you must be doing something right.

Reason is the most important resource in the
world for the liberty-minded, and made a huge impact on my own
socio-political philosophy.

Thanks for all the work you do. Your work has changed my

The ongoing posts on the UVA Rape Story by Robby Soave have
motivated me to donate. Simply superb criticism and attention to

Thank you for keeping up with social media trends. It helps!

Please keep up your outstanding work! I read the site everyday
and post many of your articles and videos on social media.

Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men and women, and liberty for

Keep up the great work. I love the magazine (I’ve been a
subscriber since the 1970s!) and now enjoy Reason.TV many times
each week.

I do not
want my money going toward a new hoverboard for Mr. Bailey. (He
should get the old one repaired.)

If you haven’t yet ponied up, please do! A $100 donation
nets you a Reason winter beanie cap, a year of the print mag and
full access to the forthcoming special digital edition (featuring
46 years of full archives!). You give more, you get more stuff,
from signed copies of Damon Roots great SCOTUS analysis,
Overruled, to t-shirts and lunch invites with Reason
editors in D.C.

Please give what you
, safe in the knowledge that we’ll be using your hard-earned
bitcoins to make a stand for “Free Minds and Free Markets” every
live-long day. Just as we’ve done since 1968, we’ll bring you
leading-edge analysis and news from a libertarian perspective and
we’ll be your voice in debates over politics, culture, and

us reach $200,000 by this time tomorrow!

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1BuPvcp

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