Encryption Is No Hurdle to Targeting Bad Guys: New at Reason

A new report suggests law enforcement can do their jobs without banning encryption. But they may not be able to conduct mass surveillance operations as easily.

Last year, FBI Director James Comey called for “a productive and meaningful dialogue on how encryption as currently implemented poses real barriers to law enforcement’s ability to seek information in specific cases of possible national security threat.”

 J.D. Tuccille reports:

Oh, you poor feds. Don’t panic! Really—that’s the title of a new report from the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Prepared by security and policy experts from inside and outside government, the authors cast a skeptical eye on Comey and company’s warnings that they’re wandering blind into a privacy-shrouded world—and their demands for legal limits on people’s ability to ward off snoops.

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