Chris Christie To Suspend Presidential Campaign; Needs “Deep Breath”

And another one bites the dust.

On the heels of Tuesday night’s New Hampshire primaries that saw Donald Trump sweep to victory over a GOP field where no other candidate came close to challenging the brazen billionaire, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is set to suspend his campaign. 

As CNN reports, Chrisitie’s sixth place finish in New Hampshire pretty much put the nail in the coffin for the governor. “Failure to qualify for next debate, lack of money make it impossible to continue,” Bloomberg writes

We’ve decided that we’re going to go home to New Jersey tomorrow and we’re going to take a deep breath and see what the final results are tonight because that matters,” Christie said last night. “By tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon we should know.”

As Bloomberg goes on to note, “Christie’s pitch as a proven governor and federal prosecutor didn’t catch on” among voters who are apparently infatuated with so-called “protest candidates” who are seen as offering real change and an opportunity to alter business as usual inside the Beltway. “[His] departure would make him the latest in the list of hopefuls to exit the crowded field. Following disappointing showings in Iowa, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum left the field.”

At least Christie can say he went out with a bang. His attacks on Marco Rubio during the final GOP debate before the primary are credited with derailing the senator after he became the establishment’s preferred pick for the nomination following a strong showing in Iowa. 

After a town hall meeting on Sunday, Christie said the following about his ill-fated bid for the White House: “It depends on how you define losing and I haven’t defined it yet.” 

Allow us to help out: we define “losing” as not getting as many votes as other candidates. 

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via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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