After an Absolutely PERFECTLY Timed Warning on the Financial Sector in October, This Is What Lies Ahead for the Banking Sector

On October 16, 2015, I warned that the banking industry was entering a strong cyclical AND structural downturn. See the full explanation below…

This is a chart showing the how well that warning has panned out thus far…

XLF vs SP500

Now, of course, the banks have a different perspective, as reported by Credit Suisse chief says bank sector sell-off ‘not justified’. As investors “lose faith” in banks that I’ve warned about several times over the last few years, even the insiders are agreeing with me

Here’s the rub, it’s worse than many percieve. The concept of Pathogenic Finance will take the financial industry by storm.

Here’s the full research report for those who want to know exactly how this will take place (click the graphic to download)…



For those of you who’d rather look at pretty pictures than read the reason behind this paradigm/macro/fundamenal shift, this chart of the music industry infected by MP3 and P2P technology will be replicated by the financial industry once P2P technology sinks in. When will that be? Very soon!

Even if the banks succeed in incorporating blockchain tech into thier respective back ends, what happens when their clients realize the P2P tech works? Well, P2P of course!

Feel free to reach out to me at reggie AT veritaseum DOT com to discuss this and more. I love to chat.

via Zero Hedge Reggie Middleton

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