Reforming Air Traffic Control: New at Reason

On February 10, Reason Fondation Director of Transportation Policy Robert Poole testified at a hearing on “Review of Air Traffic Control Reform Proposals” held by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure:

We are here today because there is a growing consensus that the U.S. air traffic control system is not performing as well as it should. While it remains the world’s largest and one of the world’s safest, it “no longer has the most modern equipment, the most efficient airplane routings, or the best technology of any of the world’s air traffic control providers.” Those are not my words: they are the conclusion of all three former Chief Operating Officers of the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization, as well as three former Secretaries of Transportation. We have lost our global leadership position in air traffic control.

The question before Congress is: What is the best approach to reform the provision of air traffic control in the United States?

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