Attention, America! This Is Your 2016 Presidents’ Day Thread!

Bert expresses his displeasure with my first answer.Welcome, one and all, to this year’s Hit & Run Presidents’ Day game/quiz/argument-starter:

1. Who do you think is the worst president since World War II? (House rule: You’re not allowed to say Obama. I want you to exercise your history muscles. Anyway, his term isn’t over yet, and for all you know he’ll cure cancer next month.)

2. Who do you think is the best—or, if you prefer, the least awful—president since World War II? (House rule: You’re not allowed to say Obama. I want you to exercise your history muscles. Anyway, his term isn’t over yet, and for all you know he’ll nuke Nebraska next month.)

3. Now try to say something nice about the person you picked for answer number one.

4. Now list some of the biggest problems with the person you picked for answer number two.

5. How about first ladies? Who’s your favorite first lady?

6. Who’s more annoying: People who tediously tell you it isn’t really called “Presidents’ Day,” or people who tediously tell you the Nobel Prize in economics isn’t really a Nobel Prize?

My answers, just to stoke the debates in the comment thread:

1. Bush II.
2. Eisenhower.
3. I kind of like his paintings.
4. Iran, Guatemala, Operation Wetback.
5. Betty Ford.
6. This one stumps me, so I’ll wrap up with a seasonal video instead:

from Hit & Run

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