Apple Versus the FBI: New at Reason

Will Apple compromise iPhone security to assist the FBI in the investigation of deceased San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik? For now, Apple says no: the company has done what it could to help law enforcement in the past, but it would not craft a tool allowing agents to bypass iPhone security. Complying with such a request would constitute a fundamental violation of customer trust, and publicly compromising the integrity of its devices was simply a non-starter for the tech giant. 

The FBI, on the other hand, counters that this request is a reasonable and narrow means to bring about justice for the victims of terrorism. Stripping away the emotional rhetoric from all sides, writes Mercatus Center tech-policy expert Andrea Castillo, the core question is whether a company can be compelled to build a tool for law enforcement that will compromise the security of all of its devices. 

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