Liberty Links 3/4/16

Below are links to some of the more interesting and important reads I came across today, but will not be publishing on in detail.

Hillary Clinton Turned $1,000 Into $99,540, White House Says (1994 article…some things never change, New York Times)

The Growing Risk of Civil War in Turkey (This country is a total basket case, Washington Post)

Donald Trump’s Policies Are Not Anathema to U.S. Mainstream but an Uncomfortable Reflection of It (Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept)

Susan Sarandon Says Bernie Sanders’ Hollywood Backers Are “Afraid” to Be More Vocal (Total cowards, Hollywood Reporter)

If It Comes Down to Trump or Clinton, Is It Unpatriotic to Abstain? Ralph Nader Has a Better Idea (Huffington Post)

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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