Trump Supporters – In Their Own Words

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I don’t find conversations about how morally repugnant Trump is to be interesting when the rest of the candidates seem to also support imperialistic and fascist policies concerning drone strikes, torture and mass surveillance.

Do I like Trump’s platform? No, I think most of it is silly and misguided, but at least it is not the same bullshit casserole that has been on the menu in Washington DC for as long as I have been alive.

His candidacy is a happy accident that is currently ripping the soul of America apart, which is something that I think we desperately need (and deserve) at this time in our history, for better or for worse. 

– From the Guardian article: ‘Not Even My Wife Knows’: Secret Donald Trump Voters Speak Out

The Guardian recently asked Trump supporters to explain in detail the rationale behind their support. What emerged is one of the most fascinating articles I’ve read all year. Not only are the demographics not what you’d expect, but their reasons for support were much more varied, complex and nuanced than you might imagine.

One surprisingly common response consisted of people who supported Trump despite the recognition that his presidency could be an unmitigated disaster. Many of them believed the American populace was in need of such a disaster in order to shed its apathy and become politically active.

Interestingly, I’ve harbored similar thoughts on various occasions. For example, perhaps it will take someone as in your face authoritarian and shameless as Trump to wake certain millennials to the fact there are bigger problems in this world than micro aggressions. It’s a major gamble, but we as a country definitely need to get off our asses and change the direction we’re headed in. It’s possible that Trump could serve as that wake up call, but it’s also a huge risk.

Also noteworthy was the fact that many Trump supporters expressed admiration for Sanders as well, but would never vote for Hillary. These types could very easily make up a new “silent majority” in American politics.

Now without further ado, here are some of the more interesting responses. You can read the entire article at The Guardian:

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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