All of Donald Trump’s Dirty Words Collected in One New Anti-Trump Ad

Donald Trump is a wretched man who says terrible things all the time and lacks of any set of consistently applied principles, even when promising to implicate rank-and-file military members in war crimes.

He appears to have no real ambitions beyond constant self-promotion and making people angry, and yet these characteristics are largely credited with his stunning, paradigm-shifting ascent to the top of the leaderboards for the Republican nomination for president.

The GOP establishment’s attacks on Trump Make America F***ing Great Againhave only served to make him stronger, so one conservative political action committee, the American Future Fund, has decided to use Trump’s own words against him in a 30-second ad set to begin airing in key conservative Florida districts this Tuesday.

Unfortunately, the words have nothing to do with policy, rather, the ad is an aggregation of some of Trump’s most notable public displays of profanity, including “motherf*****,” “a**,” “p***y,” “d**n,” “s***,” and “f***.”

A statement from the American Future Fund claims the group has spent “six figures” on getting the commercial for Anybody-But-Trump to the airwaves, and spokesperson Stuart Roy added:

Donald Trump’s repeated public reliance on profanities and vulgarities to express himself is one more piece in an ever-mounting pile of evidence that he does not have the temperament or moral integrity to lead the world’s greatest nation. As the ad concludes, Trump is ‘offensive and out-of-control.’ America and the world are watching, and we can – and must – do better if we are to maintain our exceptionalism and global leadership.

It seems that once ideas and candidates have failed to convince the electorate that Trump is not fit for the White House, all that remains is trying to sell the remaining states yet to vote that the very dignity of the office of the presidency is at stake. 

from Hit & Run

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