Something “Unexpected” Emerges In The Blendon Township Police Activity Log

Yesterday when we reported that daily average usage “Pokemon Go” has hit a stunning 43 minutes, nearly as much as Americans dedicate every day to Facebook, we were stunned. We also wondered what it would do to already collapsing US productivity.

Today, we get a surprising response because while overall US productivity will clearly be in even greater freefall – if only until the Pokemon fad passes as it certainly will – one place where worker engagement is about to soar, are local police departments.

The following “unexpected”, because really quite expected, disclosures were been posted in the police activity log of Blendon Township, Ohio. It is safe to extrapolate that same is taking place in police departments across the nation, who now not only have to be concerned about the recent surge in minority violence, but have a new “nemesis” – an invasion of Pokemon’ed zombies.

h/t @oddvestor

via Tyler Durden

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