Wikileaks Releases Hacked DNC Voicemails During Convention Speeches

Last night, just ahead of the Democratic National Convention’s prime time event as president Obama was set to begin his speech praising Hillary and slamming Trump, Wikileaks released another batch of leaked data from the DNC, this time in the form of hacked voicemails from top Democratic officials. However, a cursory skim of the release underwhelmed, suggesting no major developments would emerge as a result of this particular disclosure.

The new material includes 29 phone calls, totaling about 14 minutes. Many of them are complaints directed at the Democratic National Committee. That said, this is probably not the end of it because as we reported two days ago, Julian Assange warned CNN there would be “a lot more material” to come, following the publishing of hacked Democratic National Committee internal emails this past Friday.

“I’m furious about what you are doing for Bernie Sanders,” a caller from the 480, Phoenix, area code, said in one voicemail message, listed as file #16014.

“He is getting way too much influence. I am on fixed income and I spent over $300 donated to Hillary, and what I see is the DNC bending over backwards for Bernie. And Bernie is the worst person in the world even to be running in a Democratic party because he is not a Democratic. Please don’t give into him. I don’t care about Sanders supporters, most of them are going to vote for Hillary anyway. Quit acquiescing to this person who likes to play the victim card, and who also has been attacking Hillary which gives Trump all his talking points. I will leave the Democratic Party if the Democratic Party continues to coddle Bernie Sanders. Get rid of the a**hole.”

Two calls from the 480 area code complained about the Democratic National Committee’s catering to Sanders, wondering why the DNC allowed Cornell West to join the committee when he was “such trash.” Most of the voicemail messages were simply leaving names and numbers for a call back, or leaving reminders about conference calls.

One person, calling from the 267 area code of Philadelphia was looking for how to reach the First Lady, Michele Obama. It is file #16663 in the Wikileaks list. He probably did not get a call back.

Someone from the Free Library wanted to know what is the best way to reach contact Michelle Obama with an invitation inviting her to participate in some wonderful event and development relating to the library, and the hospital for children, and some other facilities coming together. 

They think it will be right up her alley. How is best to communicate with her? Does she have a secretary? What is the best channel to go through? Thanks so much. Bye.”

Last Friday Wikileaks released 20,000 DNC emails showing collusion at the top levels of the governing body of the Democratic Party, which forced the resignation of chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. It is unlikely that a handful of voicemail complaints will result in a similar outcome.

via Tyler Durden

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