Gary Johnson Campaign Targets Seven States with Big Radio Ad Campaign

The Gary Johnson campaign is planning to spend about a million on radio and digital billboards in seven targeted states, Politico reports.

The states are Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin. One of the radio ads is reported to say “if a Democrat is elected president, if a Republican is elected president, in four years we will still be at war, America will be four years deeper in debt, we will have four more years of rising taxes.”

Another one of three will be targeted at Hispanics, and feature Juan Hernandez, former adviser to both U.S. Republicans George W. Bush and John McCain and Mexico’s former leader Vicente Fox.

That ad will feature Hernandez saying:

“I’ve always considered myself a Republican, but this year I’ve decided to support Gary Johnson for president,” Hernandez says. “As a Latino, I’m tired of the insults coming from [Donald] Trump, and I can no longer believe that this the promises of the left will be kept.”
Hernandez goes on to highlight Johnson’s immigration plan. “It’s a reform that doesn’t unrealistically talk about deporting 11 million people and doesn’t separate families,” he said. “Oh, and it doesn’t build a wall.”

I’ve reported earlier on viral videos and TV ads coming out of Johnson-supporting SuperPACs this week. The official campaign has not yet done TV. The campaign has raised more than $3 million in the month of August alone.

from Hit & Run

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