Hillary Cancels California Trip; Will Appear At Fundraiser Via Teleconference

On Friday night, roughly at the same time as the sick Hillary Clinton was attending a Barbra Streisand fundraiser focusong on LGBT issue where she unleashed her condemnation of the “basket of deplorables” aka Trump supporters, she – allegedly – was aware that she had pneumonia, at least according to the latest hastily scripted narrative by the Clinton campaign. Two days later, she infamously fainted during a Sept 11 events in downtown New York, however she assured the media that she was ok, while the sick, and perhaps contagious, presidential candidate took the opportunity for another photo op with a young girl.

But while Clinton’s previously diagnosed pneumonia was not a reason for Hillary to miss the Friday fundraiser, it appears that the severe deterioration in her health yesterday has been sufficient to force the Democratic presidential candidate to cancel a campaign trip to California. Hillary was due to leave for California on Monday morning for a two-day trip that included fundraisers, a speech on the economy, and an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

This will not happen:

Clinton’s personal physician, Dr Lisa Bardack, said: “Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule.”

Yet even as Clinton’s health has deteriorated so substantially that the WaPo’s Chris Cilizza became the laughing stock of the “objective journalism” world with his epic flop flop profiled previously


… the Clinton campaign was doing everything in its power to contain the severity of the fallout. Her team said she is suffering with “walking pneumonia” – a less serious type of the lung infection which leaves patients feeling unwell but doesn’t usually require bed rest or hospitalisation. Pneumonia is essentially an infection of the lungs which causes inflammation in the air sacs and fills them with fluid. Symptoms can include a cough, fever, fatigue, chills and shortness of breath.

Anyone can contract pneumonia, although smokers, older people, and sufferers of chronic lung diseases are at increased risk. There are two types – bacterial or viral. Bacterial pneumonia is common and easily treated with antibiotics. Most people with so-called “walking pneumonia” can recover within a few days. Those with weak immune systems or existing conditions can take weeks to recover, and pneumonia can in some cases be fatal.

So as of this moment Hillary is caught between a rock and a hard place: she is clearly not healthy, and is now afraid to make public appearances, yet on the other hand she can’t demonstrate to the world just how truly unwell she is (one wonders if there is a way to test and verify Bardack’s claim that she even has pneumonia) and has had to tone down the excuse she urgently came up with.

Which begs the question: while Hillary will be delighted to avoid public gatherings and, perhaps, the upcoming debates with Trump, she still needs to show herself at the all important fundraisers: how will she do that? We now know the answer.

via http://ift.tt/2cignmJ Tyler Durden

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