Yale Psychiatrists Just Warned There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Trump

Via TheAntiMedia.org,

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists. I can recognize
dangerousness from a mile away. You don’t have to be an expert on
dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to
know how dangerous this man is.”

Those words came from the mouth of James Gilligan, psychiatrist and
professor at New York University. The man he is speaking of is the
president of the United States.

Gilligan’s comments were one of many from a group of psychiatrists who gathered
at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday. The message presented was
that Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be in the White House.

Dr. John Gartner, practicing psychiatrist and founding member of Duty
to Warn, a group of several dozen mental health professionals who feel
it’s their obligation to inform the public about the president’s mental
state, says the warning signs have been there from the beginning.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is
paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking, and he proved that to the
country the first day he was president,”
Dr. Gartner said.

Earlier in the year, claiming Trump is “psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President,” Dr. Gartner started a petition calling for Trump to be removed from office. So far, that petition has received nearly 47,000 signatures.

Dr. Bandy Lee, who chaired the conference and is an assistant
clinical professor in Yale’s department of psychology, thinks Trump’s
mental state is an issue people are beginning to become concerned about:

As some prominent psychiatrists have noted, [Trump’s mental
health] is the elephant in the room. I think the public is really
starting to catch on and widely talk about this now.

via http://ift.tt/2pRgn7d Tyler Durden

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