Le Pen Gets Bump in Polls; Protesters Rage Throughout Paris in May Day Protests

Marine Le Pen will attempt to defeat Emmanuel Macron on May 7th, but the odds aren’t in her favor.

The former Rothschild banker, who literally had an affair with his teacher 25 years his senior when he was 15 (called pedophilia in most countries), eventually married her and moved in with her children that were his age and older, is set to become France’s youngest President ever. How wonderful.

In the meantime, ANTIFA, or whatever they’re called in France, are having a grande old time expressing their displeasure that Marine Le Pen exists on this planet.

It’s May Day after all, a day for violent debauchery — all in the name of democracy.

Here’s a live feed.

Content originally published at iBankCoin.com


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