Is There a Coup Attempt Underway in America?

Personally, I’m horrified by the fact that Goldman Sachs goons are in total control of the Trump administration’s economic policy. I’m also horrified that our new President’s first overseas trip will be to the terrorist state of Saudi Arabia, a autocratic, brutal monarchy with undeniable ties to 9/11. I’m disgusted by Attorney General Jefferson Sessions’ opressive and uncivilized relaunch of the misguided and disastrous “war on drugs.” I’m likewise very troubled by the fact Mike Flynn attempted to disrupt a military operation using Syrian Kurds to rout ISIS in Raqqa because Turkey didn’t like it considering he had been a paid agent of Turkey months earlier and never disclosed this fact.

There are a plethora of things to be deeply concerned about when it comes to Trump, yet the coup attempt against him being launched by elements of the deep state, corporate media and Hillary dead-ender Democrats is more concerning still. It’s obvious that what’s happening right now is not a sincere attempt to hold a President accountable or fight him on policy or personnel choices. Rather, this all seems to be a very deliberate and premeditated attempt to remove him from office.  

What’s so troubling about what I just wrote is not so much that I think it, but that’s it’s becoming accepted truth by a growing number of mainstream Americans. For example, can you believe CNBC actually published a post with the following title?

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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