Trump Meets Pope, ISIS Claims Responsibility for Rampage in Philippines, Marilyn Monroe and UFOs: P.M. Links

  • President Trump met with the pope in the Vatican before arriving in Brussels for a NATO summit.
  • ISIS has claimed responsibility for an assault by militants on Marawi City that led to thousands of civilians fleeing and the Philippines’ president declaring martial law on Mindanao, the Muslim-majority island on which Marawi City is located.
  • The father and the brother of the Manchester bomber have been reportedly arrested in Libya, to which they returned from the U.K. after the Western-backed ouster of Col. Qaddafi.
  • Paul Ryan says James Comey is not a nut job.
  • Some Democrats are upset Bernie Sanders won’t rule out running for president in 2020.
  • The high court in Taiwan has ruled that the civil code defining marriage as between a man and a woman was unconstitutional.
  • “Did UFOs cause Marilyn Monroe‘s death?”

from Hit & Run

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