SHE’S BACK: Hillary Adorned in Cap and Gown, Tells College Grads Trump’s Budget is a Con and Cruel

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This is splendid. Hillary addressed her alma mater, Wellesley College, telling the students how fucked up Trump’s budget was — because it didn’t include all sort of spendthrift allocations into ruinous programs that have laid waste of the federal balance sheet over the past 15 years.

She said Trump was going after heroin addicts, retards, kids in school, sowing division by pitting neighbor against neighbor. She called the budget an ‘unimaginable cruelty’ because it specifically goes after poor people and the elderly.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, Trump’s refusal to bend the knee to the environmental mafia can only mean he’s a grave danger to the country and the world.

Oh, and his budget is also a trillion dollar mathematical illusion, a parlor trick, sort of like all of the polls that showed her up by 5 points the night before the election.

Hilldawg, talking shit

Not a single god damned man on that stage.

via The_Real_Fly

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