Pelosi Concerned POTUS’ Trip Wasn’t Alphabetized: “I Mean, Saudi Arabia. It Wasn’t Even Alphabetical”

Over the years, Nancy Pelosi has garnered somewhat of a reputation for saying things that don’t seem to make a whole lot of sense.  As most will recall, the pinnacle of her illogical ramblings seemingly came in March 2010 when she argued that voters would only be allowed to read the details of the Obamacare legislation after it had been passed. 

For those who somehow managed to miss it…here you go:


Oddly, comments like the one above seem to have had absolutely no impact on San Franciscans who continue to re-elect her to public office year after year.  And while we find that somewhat disturbing, it at least affords us all the opportunity to enjoy an endless supply of gaffes from Pelosi’s very active public speaking schedule.

In fact, the latest gift from San Francisco to the world came yesterday when Nancy held her weekly press briefing and was caught completely off-guard by a journalist who asked for her thoughts on Trump’s first international trip.  While this would seem like a ‘softball question’ designed specifically for Nancy to knock out of the park, she proceeded instead to have yet another on-air nervous breakdown that ended with her questioning why Trump’s first foreign stops weren’t organized in alphabetical order.

“I thought it was unusual for the President of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first. Saudi Arabia!”


“It wasn’t even alphabetical. I mean, Saudi Arabia.”


She goes on to point out that 4 of the 5 previous presidents all visited Canada for their first foreign trip which she seemed to find more appropriate given its rank in the alphabetical list of foreign countries.  Of course, it does beg the question of why Obama didn’t visit Afghanistan first…hmmm, quite suspicious indeed.

via Tyler Durden

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