Paris Agreement Pull-out Hysteria: Watch Kennedy on Fox Business Network at 8 pm ET

||| TwitterSo President Donald Trump has pulled out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. What does that mean? I am neither a climate scientist nor a climate policy analyst (the two are different disciplines, believe it or not), though per usual on this issue I recommend listening to Ron Bailey. However I’m safe enough with my admittedly humble amount of knowledge to at least confidently predict that it did not amount to a “traitorous act of war against the American people” (billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer), did not mark the transformation of the federal government “into a subsidiary of ExxonMobil” (Naomi Klein, perhaps missing this Financial Times headline), and does not amount to “an assault on communities of color across the U.S.” (ACLU National). As always, I could be hobbled by my own lack of imagination here, though it’s hard to imagine how declining to endorse a set of sanction-free aspirations will submerge Miami and poison my unborn grandchildren.

This seemingly historic yet largely symbolic—including on Trump’s side—move leads the discussion on tonight’s Kennedy, the best damn cable news show on television, hosted by the single most influential Fireball-swigging libertarian on the planet. I am on the Party Panel with Townhall Editor Katie Pavlich and Fox News Contributor Pete Hegseth, and we will also talk about the dicey policy and hot-potato politics of Obamacare 2.0, as well as issues related to comedians posing with lopped-off facsimiles of presidential heads.

It’s a fine television program, it starts at 8 p.m. ET (with a repeat at midnight), and I recommend you tune in!

from Hit & Run

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