Liberty Links 07/29/17 — Trump Tells Cops to Be More Violent

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Trump Tells Police to Be More Violent (The guy is a goon, YouTube)

Intercepted Podcast: Glenn Greenwald on the New Cold War (Excellent, The Intercept)

Facebook Worker Living in Garage to Zuckerberg: Challenges Are Right Outside Your Door (So typical, The Guardian)

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes (Total insanity, The New York Times)

Bill Burr on Microchipping (This is so good, YouTube)

Nobody Cares About the Discourse (Great piece on “bend the knee”-gate, Jacobin)

Steve Bannon Wants Facebook and Google Regulated Like Utilities (The Intercept)

How Decentralizing Institutions Will Unite the Left and Right (I hope so, The Daily Bell)

U.S. Politics

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