Sarah Sanders Takes To Her Kitchen, Bakes Haters At 375°F For 30-45 Minutes After Fake Pie Controversy

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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took to her kitchen to strike back at Thanksgiving allegations that she faked making a pecan pie, after she tweeted what appeared to be a generic stock photo. 

CNN’s April Ryan in particular took umbrage with Sanders’ pie post, challenging her to “show it to us on a table” with “folks eating it and a pic of you cooking it.” 

While Sanders’ full time personal photographer appears to have missed this Martha Stewart moment, Sanders took to Twitter Wednesday night to show haters she’s got the chops to bake four Pecan Pies, asking CNN’s Ryan “with or without bourbon?”

Sanders then posted a picture of her four pecan pies on a table, wishing the White House press corps a Merry Christmas…

Ryan tweeted back to Sanders, saying she “I will check it tomorrow but won’t eat it!,” adding “I can’t wait to see them!” 

We can only hope that Sanders’ pies convince the MSM that things like extra scoops of ice cream, sipping water during a speech, and now #piegate are perhaps best left alone. 

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