Liberty Links 12/17/17

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The Year of the Headless Liberal Chicken (The best piece of writing I read all week, CounterPunch)

“Trump Should Go F Himself” – Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation (Nuts, Zerohedge)

Growing Evidence Of A Politically Tainted Clinton Investigation (Very disturbing stuff, The Daily Caller)

Two Professors on How Leftist Intolerance Is Killing Higher Education (Excellent and very important read, Washington Examiner)

Venezuelans Seeing Bitcoin Boom as Survival, Not Speculation (Associated Press)

One of the Top 250 Largest Bitcoin Wallets is Donating $86 Million to Charity (Bitcoin Magazine)

Catalan Election to Return Hung Parliament: Poll (Reuters)

We Don’t Need No Education (Great 2014 article on Unschooling, Outside Magazine)

U.S. Politics

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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