Liberty Links 7/28/18 – Facebook Stock Drops 19%, Loses $120 Billion in Value


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Facebook Stock Drops 19%, Loses $120 Billion in Value (Looks increasingly like a bear market for stocks has begun, MarketWatch)

In Recording, Netanyahu Boasts Israel Convinced Trump to Quit Iran Nuclear Deal (Meddling? The Times of Israel)

Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the U.K. What Comes Next? (Terrible news, The Intercept)

Imran Khan Set to Become Pakistan’s Prime Minister (BBC)

Julian Assange Interviews Imran Khan (I highly recommend this, you’ll see all countries are basically dealing with the same problems, YouTube)

Venezuela to Remove Five Zeroes from Ailing Currency (Can’t make this up, Reuters)

Millennials Are so over U.S. Domination of World Affair (Generational cycles rule the world, The Conversation)

Liberalism and Empire (Very good short read, Current Affairs)

Safety Deposit Boxes May Not Be Safe After All (CBS Sacramento)

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