Health Boss Tells Brits Not To Socialise Over Christmas

Health Boss Tells Brits Not To Socialise Over Christmas

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Fears that bureaucrats are once again scheming to cancel Christmas arose again after a top health boss told Brits to avoid socialising with their friends and family over the festive period.

“Dr Jenny Harries, the current head of NHS Test and Trace, has told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that people can do their bit to reduce the spread of the new omicron variant by reducing the number of social contacts they have,” reports the Telegraph.

Harries said that if “the (Omicron) variant is more highly transmissible…(it) could still be a significant impact on our hospitals,” despite top doctors in South Africa saying the symptoms are “mild” and haven’t placed added strain on hospitals.

“And of course, our behaviours in winter and particularly around Christmas we tend to socialise more so I think all of those will need to be taken into account,” she added.

“So I think being careful, not socialising when we don’t particularly need to and particularly going and getting those booster jobs which, of course, people will now be able to have at a three-month interval from their primary course.”

Of course, if Christmas doesn’t involve socialising with friends and family, it might as well not exist.

Despite case numbers flatlining and deaths going down in England, such measures are being pushed again in addition to more mandatory face masks rules based on little more than hot air and media hysteria.

Suffice to say, if the government once again tries to lock up Brits and prevent them from seeing loved ones over Christmas, expect mass non-compliance like you’ve never seen before.

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Tyler Durden
Wed, 12/01/2021 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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