How Donald Trump’s Presidency Could Inadvertently Lead to a Far Less Powerful Washington D.C.

Before I get started, I want to make it completely clear up front that while I will be discussing the Paris climate change agreement in this post, I am only doing so to make a much broader point about where were are as a species and where I think we need to go. In a nutshell, I believe a large percentage of people on this planet posses a slave mentality which essentially revolves around authority worship. I consider this to be comparable to a mental illness. It doesn’t matter whether that authority is Trump, Hillary or the UN, the sickness manifests itself in the same ways. There’s this conception that big government bodies, or powerful elected political figures, are indispensable when it comes to telling us what to do or how to think. Too many people prefer not work on themselves as individuals, and would rather be told what to do by an authority figure. This is perverse, unhealthy and it stunts the growth of our entire species.

I’m not in the camp that sees these United States as hopelessly divided. In fact, on many issues of existential importance, such as imperial militarism abroad, crony capitalism, Wall Street bailouts, the two-tiered justice system and some others, I think most Americans are very much on the same page. That said, there are definitely certain issues that Americans are emphatically and passionately divided on, and divisiveness on these issues tend to prevent widespread unity on the above issues. Climate change, what causes it, how to stop it (or even if we can) is one of those issues.

It’s important to read the rest of this post without obsessing over your own personal opinions on the topic of climate change. The reason I am bringing it up at all, is because the different ways people have responded to Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement are indicative of both a productive response, and a lunatic response.

First let’s take a look at the lunatic response (and my response to that response), courtesy of billionaire, Tom Steyer.

continue reading

from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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