Apex Predators Are America’s Biggest Problem

Donna Brazile’s article published in Politico earlier today is one of the most important things written in 2017 when it comes to political impact going forward. Many have pointed out that she’s a know liar (true), and have also questioned her motivations for writing this blockbuster article. While it’s important to acknowledge these things, they aren’t particularly relevant when it comes to impact.

In no uncertain terms, Donna Brazile provides detailed claims about how the Hillary Clinton campaign nefariously bribed the DNC with tens of millions of dollars all the way back to 2015 in an attempt to take over the organization. They succeeded. This isn’t hearsay, she discusses specific campaign financing documents and when they were created. Long story short, there’s a lot of meat on the bones to these allegations, and if her claims are lies, this should be easily demonstrated and quickly. I’ll be waiting.

Personally, I think everything she alleges is probably true, and it’s absolutely devastating to the Democratic Party as well as Hillary Clinton personally. We now know for certain that the real reason Donald Trump is President has nothing to do with Russia, but everything to do with Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Without further ado, here are some key excerpts from the absolute must read article, Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC:

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/2yoGFTd

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