- In last night’s State of the Union address President Obama said
that he wants to work with Congress but is willing to use
executive power. - The Supreme Court has granted
a temporary stay of execution for Missouri inmate Herbert
Smulls. Missouri has not said which compounding pharmacy the
execution drugs come from. Read Reason Foundation’s Lauren Galik’s
article on Smulls
here. - Ukraine’s first post-independence president has said that
Ukraine is on the
“brink of civil war.” - NSA whistle-blower
Edward Snowden has been nominated for the 2014 Nobel peace
Marijuana activists are planning to put up billboard ads near
the stadium where the Super Bowl is being held. The ads will say
that marijuana is safer than alcohol.- The head of Britain’s spy agency GCHQ,
which like the NSA has been criticized following the Snowden
revelations, is stepping down. The Foreign Office claims the move
has nothing to do with reporting on Snowden’s leaks.
from Hit & Run