It’s ‘The Day We Fight Back’ Against Mass Surveillance

Just Say No to the NSAWell, some of us have been
arguing against mass surveillance all along, but today is a
particular day of online activism against the National Security
Agency’s propensity to collect everybody’s phone and e-mail data
for a fight against terrorism that, as far as anybody can tell,

hasn’t actually fought any terrorism

The site for “The Day We Fight Back” is here with small list of
events and
protests taking place across the world. Sites such as Reddit,
Upworth and others are
in the protest.  

Sen. Rand Paul has posted a video in support of the protest,
talking about the need for a strong Fourth Amendment. Watch


And for the folks in your life who simply don’t understand why
mass surveillance is such a big deal, direct them to my list of

three reasons
why they should worry.

from Hit & Run

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