A.M. Links: Iraq Falls Apart, Obama Weighs Military Action, More Clashes in Ukraine

  • The news from Iraq keeps getting worse. On the
    heels of the insurgent takeover of Mosul, military experts now say
    that Iraq’s Al Qaeda offshoot appears to have “grown into a
    military organization that is no longer conducting terrorist
    activities exclusively but is
    conducting conventional military operations.”
    President Barack Obama is considering a new round of
    military action
    in Iraq.
  • Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the captured U.S. soldier recently swapped
    for five Taliban fighters held at Guantanamo, is
    back on American soil
  • Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists
    are battling
    in the southern Ukrainian port city of
  • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, currently out

    her new memoir, had an
    ill-tempered exchange
    with National Public Radio over her
    “evolving” views on gay marriage, including the uncomfortable fact
    that her husband, President Bill Clinton, signed the Defense of
    Marriage Act into law. “I think you are trying to say that I used
    to be opposed and now I am in favor and I did it for political
    reasons,” Clinton complained to NPR host Terry Gross.

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