Postrel: “Turning College into a No-Thought Zone”

Reason Editor Virginia Postrel (archive) has

a great column up
at Bloomberg View.

It’s about the ongoing degradation of the university as a site
of actual discussion, conversation, and argumentation about the
things that matter most.

After summarizing an insane but sadly representative case of
students getting in trouble for daring to discuss a petition
condemning the National Security Agency outside a designated
“free-speech zone,” Postrel writes:

A public university is a type of public forum—not as open as a
public sidewalk or park, perhaps, but nonetheless government
property subject to the First Amendment. A state college campus is
different from the purely private property of the Googleplex or a
Walmart parking lot. To pass constitutional muster, therefore, any
restrictions on speech have to be both content-neutral and
“reasonable” to accomplish a narrow government purpose. The
government can’t play favorites, and it must have a very good
justification for any rules it imposes….

Educationally, speech-zone restrictions don’t further the
purposes of a state college. They undermine those purposes.

Contrary to what many people seem to think, higher education
doesn’t exist to hand out job credentials to everyone who follows a
clearly outlined set of rules. (Will this be on the exam? Do I have
to come to class?) Education isn’t a matter of sitting students
down and dumping pre-digested information into their heads.

Higher education exists to advance and transmit knowledge, and
learning requires disagreement and argument. Even the most
vocational curriculum—accounting, physical therapy, civil
engineering, graphic design—represents knowledge accumulated
through trial and error, experimentation and criticism. That
open-ended process isn’t easy and it often isn’t comfortable. The
idea that students should be protected from disagreeable ideas is a
profoundly anti-educational concept.

the whole piece
, which outlines a court case being organized by
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE, of which Postrel is board

What I respond to most strongly in the piece is the defense of
college and university—all types and all levels—as a place where
thinking happens. One of the most disastrous misconceptions of the
current moment is the idea that college exists as a credentialing
agency, where kids drudge their way through classes and parties
until they are ejected into whatever career they chose when they
were freshmen or sophomores. Nothing could be further from my
experience (all of it at state schools) and nothing could be less
compelling, from a student, parental, or taxpayer perspective.

Last year, Reason magazine sponsored a forum titled
Higher Ed Went Wrong
,” that featured Glenn Reynolds, Richard
Vedder, and Naomi Schaeffer Riley, and others. In my contribution,
I argued that critics on the left and right who talk about college
in terms of getting a job are missing the point.

You should be going to college to have your mind blown by new
ideas (read: whole fields of knowledge that you didn’t know existed
until you got to college), to discover your intellectual passions,
and to figure out what sorts of experiences you might want to
pursue over the next 70 or so years. And let me suggest that it’s
precisely the broad field of inquiry that takes the most abuse for
being totally impractical—the humanities—that students should seek
out most. Understanding history, literature, art, philosophy, and
the like won’t make you a better citizen, or a more responsible
employee, or a happier camper, but those disciplines will give you
the tools to figure out who you are and what you want to be if and
when you grow up.

That may be the first-generation college student in me
talking—I’m still amazed that I had the opportunity to spend a
relatively inexpensive four years (college can still be done on the
relative cheap unless you’re a status-obsessed idiot) to learn that
there is a whole world out there beyond the one in which you grew
up. But if college is really just a high-end vo-tech program, it
really is useless and should go away already.

Bloomberg View piece
reminds us that college isn’t
simply a degree but a process, one that ideally inculcates not just
knowledge but thinking skills and some passion about the world in
which we live. We forget that at our peril and the future will
never forgive us.

from Hit & Run

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