Judgement Day for Justin Amash, Business Leaders Push Africa Trade Changes, Sweet Debate at the FDA: A.M. Links

  • Voters in Kansas, Michigan, and
    head to the primary ballot boxes today
    . Incumbent Republican
    Rep. Kerry Bentivolio is expected to lose in Michigan, but several
    other incumbents—including Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) and Mike
    Pompeo (R-Kan.)—are predicted to keep their seats. 
  • Meanwhile in Mississippi, state Sen.
    Chris McDaniel is claiming
    that results of the GOP’s June
    primary, in which Sen. Thad Cochran emerged victorious, are
    invalid. “McDaniel clearly won the runoff by 25,000 votes,” his
    attorney said Monday. 
  • ceasefire
    is taking place
     in the Gaza Strip. Allegedly. Again. The
    three-day killing moratorium went into effect Tuesday
  • Technology to start
    experimenting with artificial wombs
    exists, but legal and
    ethical qualms could keep human trials in the distant
  • The FDA will begin mulling
    whether “sugars” and “added sugars”
    need separate slots on
    nutrition labels. 
  • Representatives from dozens of big U.S. corporations are in
    D.C. today to announce and discuss
    business investments in Africa
    and push for changes to
    U.S.-Africa trade deals. 

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