Robin Williams Dead of Apparent Suicide, Power Struggle Coming in Iraq, Michael Brown Riots Continue: A.M. Links

  • Robin WilliamsFamed comedian and actor Robin Williams was
    found dead
    in his home on Monday. It is believed that he took
    his own life after struggling with depression. He was 63.
  • Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki
    will not be handing over power
    to his chosen replacement,
    Haider al-Abadi, without a fight. Al-Abadi has the backing of both
    Iraqi President Fouad Massoum and U.S. President Barack Obama.
  • David Gregory is
    expected to be replaced
    as the host of NBC’s Meet the
  • Kansas teachers will
    go to court
    to protect their right to never be fired ever.
  • Violent clashes between police and protesters continued for a
    second night in St. Louis, Missouri. Cops killed an unarmed black
    teenager, Michael Brown, on Saturday,
    triggering the recent turmoil
  • Watch the
    first new footage
    from AMC’s forthcoming Better Call

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