Did Ferguson Cop Darren Wilson Suffer Broken Eye Socket in Struggle With Michael Brown? Apparently No.

Two days ago,
ran an anonymously sourced story claiming that Darren
Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer identified as the
shooter of Michael Brown, suffered “severe facial injuries”
including a broken eye socket during the altercations.

Now, CNN is saying that story is false. Here are tweets by
producer Julian Cummings:

Among other things, this is a strong reminder to remember that
it takes time for the actual truth to out in these sorts of
situations. The FoxNews story may be wrong, the CNN account may be
contravened, etc.

Which also suggests that it’s good news that the grand jury
investigating the death of Michael Brown will take
its time looking at evidence
, possibly taking until October
before returning any indictments. Justice delayed is no easy thing
to take, but it’s also true that Gov. Jay Nixon’s calls for a

“vigorous prosecution”
in the case veer close to mob rule.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1s9TItM

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