US Now Bombing Syria…Developing

United States military is bombing targets in Syria now according to

ABC News

American airstrikes against  targets are underway in , according to a
Pentagon official.

“I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are
undertaking military action against ISIL [ISIS] terrorists in Syria
using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles,”
Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said. “Given that
these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide
additional details at this time. The decision to conduct theses
strikes was made earlier today by the U.S. Central Command
commander under authorization granted him by the commander in
chief. We will provide more details later as operationally

In a national
 on Sept. 10, President Obama said the first part
of his strategy to counter ISIS was to “conduct a systematic
campaign of airstrikes against these terrorists.”

“Moreover, I have made it clear that we will hunt down
terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means
I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL [ISIS] in Syria as
well as Iraq,” Obama said. “This is a core principle of my
presidency: If you threaten America, you will find no safe

And so it begins. Who would have thought even a year ago that a)
we would be bombing Syria and b) the target would not be the Assad

From a Pentagon statement via
USA Today

“I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are
undertaking military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria using
a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles,” said
Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary. “Given that
these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide
additional details at this time.”

Worth remembering: Josh Rogin in The Daily Beast, on
September 15, 2014

The White House has an answer for critics who want to know how
the Obama administration can justify striking ISIS inside Syria
under international law: If and when we actually do it, we will
come up with a legal justification then.

from Hit & Run

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