VID: Ferguson Police Chief Issues Apology, But Police Militarization Will Continue to Be a Thing

Nearly six weeks after the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael
Brown, Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson issued a videotaped mea culpa on Thursday
to the teenager’s family. He also apologized to the “peaceful
protestors” that gathered in Ferguson after the shooting for not
doing enough to protect their right to peacefully gather and

Jackson’s statement was released on Vimeo through the Devin
James Group—the crisis communications firm hired by the City of
Ferguson to clean up the PR nightmare that resulted from images
like this:


Though it seems Jackson and the Ferguson police are making the
first steps in cleaning up the city’s image, the issue of police
militarization will continue to be debated. Recently, Reason TV sat
down with former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard
Kerik to talk about the riots and how police departments were able
to gain access to military-grade equipment. 

Produced by Amanda Winkler. Original release date was August 20,
2014 and the original writeup is below the fold. 

“Any time a police department can get [military]
equipment for the department, they’re going to try and do that,”
says Bernard
, the former New York Police Department Commissioner
and one-time nominee to be secretary of Homeland Security.

Speaking about events in Ferguson, Missouri and the general
militarization of police over the past several decades, he
continues: “When you create this militarization of all these
smaller agencies and they don’t have the ability to communicate
with each other, that’s going to create a problem.”

In 2009, Kerik pled guilty to making false tax statements and
eventually served time in federal prison. Released in 2013,
Kerik now runs a
crisis-management consulting group
 and advocates for
criminal justice reform. 

He recently sat down with Reason TV‘s Nick Gillespie to
discuss the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, the militarization
of police, the effect of the drug war on law enforcement, and what
it’s like to be prosecuted in today’s America.

“Every high school student in America, before they graduate high
school,” says Kerik, “should be forced to read [Reason
Contributor Harvey] Silverglate’s book [Three
Felonies a Day
]. No one in America knows that if you give
me a stack of subpoenas and give me the power to scrutinize you
like they did me, I promise you that you’re going to prison.”

About 25 minutes. Edited by Amanda Winkler. Shot by Joshua Swain
and Todd Krainin. 

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