Elizabeth Warren ♥s the Ex-Im Bank

Elizabeth Warren voted against funding the Export-Import Bank a
few weeks ago. But is that because she wants to elizabeth warrenlive up to her reputation as a crusader against
crony capitalism or “socialism for the rich” as she calls it? Not
really, I note in the USA Today.

Warren voted against the funding because it was attached to a
bill to fund Syrian rebels. Otherwise, she’s a big fan of the bank,
which, she insists, “helps create American jobs and spur economic

 But both those claims are laughable. So why is Warren, the
female Robin Hood, so readily abandoning her pet cause (and making
a liar and a fool of herself

It’s because, as former Democratic Massachusetts Congressman
Barney Frank
the Huffington Post, Democrats have made a
tactical decision to close ranks and dump their previous opposition
to Ex-Im. Why? Because they want to wrest Corporate America — and
presumably its campaign contributions — from the GOP.

In other words, it appears the woman who went to Washington to
vanquish the corporate powers-that-be has become a classic
Washington insider serving those powers.

to view the whole thing.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1wUpTR6

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