Cop Fatally Shot WWII Vet With Beanbag Round in Dispute at Assisted Living Center, Family Suing

survived nazis, shot by copThe family of a 95-year-old World War II
veteran is suing six police officers from Park Forest, Illinois,
including the one who fatally shot John Wrana with a 195 mile an
hour bean bag round fired from close range.

The Chicago Sun Times explains
what happened

The situation rapidly deteriorated after Wrana [who was refusing
treatment for what doctors believed was a urinary tract infection]
turned violent, brandishing at paramedics a knife and a long
shoehorn that was mistaken for a machete, according to police.

But instead of waiting outside Wrana’s room for him to fall
asleep or making a less violent intervention, the officers burst
into Wrana’s room, the lawsuit states.

And when a Taser fired by Baugh missed, Taylor fired the beanbag
round from less than 15 feet away, in violation of the
manufacturer’s instructions, the suit alleges, accusing the cops of
acting “wilfully, wantonly, intentionally, knowingly, maliciously,
in bad faith and with deliberate disregard.”

Park Forest Police did not immediately return calls seeking
comment Friday. It previously issued a statement in support of

Taylor, in fact, is
facing felony misconduct charges
, although the Wrana family’s
lawsuit includes five other cops, including the cop who ordered the
beanbag round be fired and the police chief for not adequately
training officers.

Meanwhile in Chicago, a 911 recording
was released
in the fatal shooting by an off-duty cop of his
86-year-old neighbor. The neighbor’s 91-year-old wife was also
shot. She is charged with misdeamonr battery and aggravated assault
of a police officer. The cop, who is not charged and whom the city
will not name, says the 86-year-old man brandished a shot gun
during a dispute between his wife and the cop’s wife.

from Hit & Run

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