A.M. Links: Rand Paul Doesn’t Blame Obama For Unrest in Iraq, John Kerry Arrives in Baghdad, U.S. Ties Portugal in World Cup Group Play

  • looking forwardSen.
    Rand Paul
    (R-Ky.) says he doesn’t blame President Obama for the
    situation in Iraq but that he does blame the unrest in the Middle
    East on the Iraq War. Former Vice President Dick Cheney dismissed
    Paul as an “isolationist” and said U.S. meddling in the region was
    “essential.” Meanwhile, Israel has launched retaliatory strikes in

    after a missile attack launched from that country killed
    an Israeli teenager and injured his father, the
    Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
    continues to make territorial
    gains along Iraq’s border with Syria and Jordan, and U.S. Secretary
    of State
    John Kerry
     arrived in Baghdad to urge the Iraqi prime
    minister to form an “inclusive” government. 
  • Incoming House Majority Leader
    Kevin McCarthy
    (R-Calif.) said he believed the Export-Import
    Bank, the federal government’s export credit agency, was an example
    of crony capitalism and that its charter should be allowed to
    expire in September. Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
    (R-Va.) was one of its biggest supporters in Congress.
  • Several journalists in
    were sentenced to life in prison on terrorism charges a
    day after
    John Kerry
    came to the country to announce the resumption of
    U.S. military aid.
  • Russian President
    Vladimir Putin
    says he wants “genuine dialogue” between the
    government of Ukraine and pro-Russia rebels in the east.
  • Portugal tied with the
    United States
    in World Cup play yesterday on the latest scored
    goal in the history of the tournament.
  • Researchers from the
    University of California-Davis
    suggest free will could be the
    result of background noise in the brain.

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