A.M. Links: Ebola Quarantine in Texas, Hong Kong Protestors Attacked, Australia Will Send Troops and Jets to Iraq

  • Four relatives of Texas Ebola patient Thomas
    Duncan are
    under quarantine
    . Public health officials, meanwhile, say
    Duncan may have
    had contact
    with as many as 100 people.
  • Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will send ground troops
    to Iraq and assist in airstrikes
    against ISIS forces
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has allowed Texas
    to begin enforcing harsh new restrictions
    on abortion clinics
    . As a result, all but seven of the state’s
    abortion clinics are expected to close.
  • “Protesters occupying one of Hong Kong’s most crowded areas

    came under assault
    on Friday from men seeking to break apart
    their pro-democracy sit-in, tearing down their tents and
    surrounding demonstrators who said their attackers were
    pro-government gangs.”
  • A Connecticut man scheduled to appear in court on drug
    possession charges
    was arrested
    by courthouse officials because he tried to enter
    the court with marijuana in his possession.

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