Lois Lerner’s Revenge: Anti-Obamacare Filmaker is Hit with IRS Audit

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 3.49.52 PMThere are many systemic reasons why America continues to circle the toilet bowl toward a full fledged oligarchic Banana Republic. I’ve spent the last couple of years highlighting many of them here on these pages. Nevertheless, all of them pale in comparison with the disappearance of the rule of law. When the rule of law ceases to apply to the rich and powerful, a society ends up suffocating within a culture of theft, an endless stream of cronyism and criminality.

At such a stage, politicians, Wall Street oligarchs, the military-industrial complex, police departments, government agencies, etc, all go hog wild with corruption. The IRS is a perfect example.

With the failure to hold Lois Lerner accountable for anything, the agency is now even more out of control than it was before. Recently, we heard about a plan to tax companies that provide free lunches to employees. Now it appears they are back to targeting people with whom they disagree politically.

The Daily Caller reports that:

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/1qk6ljv

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