A.M. Links: No New U.S. Ebola Cases, Oscar Pistorious Sentenced to Five Years, Oscar de la Renta Dead at 82

  • The U.S. has recorded

    no new Ebola cases
    in the last five days. Meanwhile, the
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a
    new set of protocols
    for doctors, nurses, and other hospital
    workers dealing with future Ebola patients.
  • Iconic fashion designer Oscar de la Renta
    has died
    at age 82.
  • South African athlete
    Oscar Pistorious
    has been sentenced to a maximum five years in
    prison for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
  • Hong Kong leaders and student protesters
    will hold talks
    “though chances of success are slim given vast
    differences between the two sides.”

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