Now Available: Damon Root’s New Book Overruled: The Long War for Control of the U.S. Supreme Court

Today is the official release
date for my book Overruled: The Long War for Control of the
U.S. Supreme Court
. It’s available at
Barnes & Noble
, and everywhere else books are sold

Here’s what the early reviewers are saying:

“A riveting account of the raging debate over the future of our
Constitution between those who contend that judges must ‘defer’ to
legislatures and those who view the judiciary as an equal branch of
government whose mandate is to secure the rights and liberties of
the people by holding government to its just powers. Root reveals
the inside story behind the surging movement to restore
constitutionally-limited government. I loved this book.” —Randy E.
Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown
University Law Center, and Director, Georgetown Center for the

“An intriguing account of judicial and economic policy
reflecting controversies within conservatism over civil rights and
other issues.”—Kirkus Reviews

“In Overruled, Damon Root explains a divide in judicial
theory about which I was not only ignorant but mistaken. ‘Judicial
activism’ is wrong. Right? It gives unelected authorities
minority power to impose rules and regulations that violate
individual rights without a democratic process. Wrong. It’s
‘judicial deference’ that gives elected authorities majority power
to impose rules and regulations that violate individual rights
within a democratic process. And to further confuse the issue
judicial activism and judicial deference have, by turns, been the
darlings of both Liberals and Conservatives. Fortunately, Damon
Root explains it all.”—P. J. O’Rourke, journalist and H. L. Mencken
Research Fellow at the Cato Institute

“The conflict between judicial activism and judicial restraint
has been part of the Supreme Court since its inception. In this
book, Root, senior editor at Reason magazine, takes a
fresh look at activism vs. restraint by placing judicial
interpretation at the center of the ideological disagreements
between libertarians and conservatives that have taken place
throughout U.S. history…. The segments about gun control and the
Affordable Care Act are especially compelling.”—Library

“Damon Root, whom I have had the pleasure of interrogating on
television, understands the concept of personal liberty in a free
society better than many members of the legal profession; and he
knows, too, that the Constitution was written by men who properly
feared the numerous insidious ways that government assaults our
natural rights. In Overruled, he shares his knowledge and
uncanny ability to explain liberty lost with his readers. This book
is nothing short of a lucid and brilliantly crafted history of the
Framers’ fears coming to pass at the hands of a judiciary faithless
to first principles. Read it today so you can anticipate and
understand the judicial contortions coming tomorrow.”—Hon. Andrew
P. Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst, Fox News Channel,
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Constitutional Jurisprudence,
Brooklyn Law School

Perhaps you’d like to peek inside the book and read an excerpt?
will let you do it

from Hit & Run

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