‘Liberal Democrats for Rand Paul 2016’ Might Actually Be a Thing

PaulSen. Rand Paul
is no liberal. (He’s no libertarian, either, if you ask certain
libertarian purists.) But if he wins the Republican presidential
nomination and the Democrats offer up Hillary Clinton, there’s
little question that Paul would be the better of the two on civil
liberties, NSA spying, the war on drugs, criminal justice reform,
and military non-interventionism.

Will honest liberals and Democrats recognize this? Or will
anti-war leftists happily march to the beat of Hillary’s war
drums? That’s the question.

Thee has been an encouraging development on that front, however:
H.A. Goodman, a columnist for Salon and The Huffington
wrote a sobering and intellectually honest review
of Paul and Clinton and boldly announced,
“I’m a Liberal Democrat. I’m Voting for Rand Paul in 2016. Here Is

The relevant section:

I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life, but in 2016,
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul will be my choice for president. On
issues that affect the long-term survival of 

this country; grandiose concerns like perpetual war that could
send generations of Americans fighting and dying in the Middle
East, domestic spying that could eventually lead to a police state,
and numerous other topics, Rand Paul has shown that he bucks both
the Republican and Democratic penchant for succumbing to public
opinion, an overreaction to the terror threat, and a gross
indifference to an egregious assault on our rights as citizens.

Yes, I’ll have to concede some of my beliefs and roll the dice
as to whether or not he’ll flip-flop on issues, but Hillary
and President
 have changed their views on everything from gay
marriage to marijuana legalization and Iraq, so I’m taking an
educated gamble with Sen. Paul. Hillary Clinton alone has
gone back
and forth
 on enough issues to make the former Secretary of
State a human version of Pong, so I’m not too worried about voting
for Paul. Below are ten reasons this Democrat is voting for Rand
Paul in 2016 and if my liberal membership card is revoked, I’ll
live with that; I’m not an ideologue like Sean Hannity, I’m an

Full thing
. Goodman cites Bill Maher’s recent interview with Paul in
which the liberal comedian praised many of the senator’s positions
and promised to consider supporting him.

“I think it’s only a good thing for America when I’m not sure
who I am going to vote for next time,” said Maher at the conclusion
of the interview.

Goodman and Maher deserve credit for recognizing that a
libertarian Republican might be a better choice than an
authoritarian Democrat. The coming showdown between Paul and
Clinton will provide liberals plenty of opportunities to
draw similar conclusions. We live in exciting times.

Watch the Maher segment below:

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1qPHmGc

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