‘State of Emergency’ Declared in Ferguson Ahead of Michael Brown Verdict, Extreme Weather Coming to New York, Jaden and Willow Smith Hate School: P.M. Links

  • Willow SmithMissouri Gov. Jay Nixon
    declared a state of emergency
    in Ferguson prior to the release
    of the grand jury’s decision regarding whether or not to indict
    Darren Wilson, the cop who shot Michael Brown. Skeptics say Nixon’s
    move is premature.
  • Several days of
    “extreme and dangerous snow”
    is expected in western New
  • Martin Salia, a
    doctor who died from the ebola virus
     in an Omaha, Nebraska
    hospital earlier today, was initially diagnosed as ebola-free.
  • The New York Times
    Jaden and Willow Smith. The famous teens said
    school is a depressing waste of time.
  • President Obama must rely on Mitch McConnell to “secure his
    legacy,” according to
  • Diane Guerrero, an actress on Netflix’s Orange Is the New
    said her parents
    were deported
    when she was 14.
  • Neil Young is
    boycotting Starbucks
    because the coffee company thinks anti-GMO
    laws are stupid.

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