Ferguson Grand Jury Verdict Reached, Obama Administration Tosses Out Hagel, FAA May Demand Drone Licenses: P.M. Links

  • Peacful or not? Place your bets.The grand jury in Ferguson,
    Missouri, is
    announcing this evening its decision
    over whether Officer
    Darren Wilson should be charged for the shooting death of Michael
    Brown, so prepare to toss out your snap judgments through various
    social media outlets.
  • President Barack Obama today gave a speech announcing
    Chuck Hagel is officially out
    as Secretary of Defense. Check
    out the pained smile on Hagel’s face.
  • After that Obama handed out a bunch of
    Medals of Freedom
    to various political folks and celebrities
    like Meryl Streep and Stevie Wonder.
  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
    declared that women are not equal to men
    and that motherhood is
    more important than doing the work of men.
  • Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will introduce a resolution to formally

    declare war on ISIS
  • The Federal Aviation Administration may announce some extremely
    restrictive requirements for
    use of commercial drones
    , including licensing.

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